Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Musings on The Polite-ly Correct, Ridiculously Self-Important, and Katie Courific

Can I get a job giving free coffee cards to the asshole that won't move into the T? Only in Boston would people have to be bribed in order to be polite. Thus reinforcing the sad fact that unless there is a reward attached to something why the hell should it be done? Obviously borrowed from the wildly successful and scarily outdated children's lessons of kindergarten, the ass that decided that this was a good idea must have needed to give a job to one of his children. The person that gives up his seat to the pregnant, elderly, or disenfranchised doesn't need a coffee card to do this, they already have dignity, they don't live in this state, but that is a different story.


Harvard has a new magazine that will be marketed to the public at large, they are trying to develop the Harvard brand, ya know the brand that tolerates totalitarianism and shuns capitalism. The title OU812..oh I mean RU486 no, actually it is called 90210. Sorry that is insulting to 90210. Maybe there will be a monthly column written by dictators on how to spread tolerance in the time of violence through useful discourse. I wouldn't wipe my ass with it.


Katie Couric needs to get a fucking grip. However she is a respected and brilliant journalist who asks the hard-hitting questions. Recently she asked Condi Rice why the administration 'lied' to us about those baddy waddy Weapons of Mass destruction. Then to add more insult to injury she has the gall to ask Condi Rice if (a) she has learned from her 'mistakes' and then (b) "Who made us the boss of them?" a question her daughter posed, SUPPOSEDLY. Katie who made you someone we get reliable unbiased news from? Oh wait I must have you confused with someone else, my bad.


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