Friday, September 29, 2006

It's A Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood

Watching a Deval Patrick ad is eerily similar to watching an episode of Mr. Rodger’s Neighborhood. His coaxing voice, relaxed posture, and matter of fact statements about why he should be our next Governor and why we would want that, lull us into his world of “Together We Can”. He wants us to know he is a nice guy he doesn’t play it the way big bad Kerry Healey and her attack ads do. He looks us in the eye and talks to us as if it were a one-on-one conversation. All that is missing is him untying his shoes and putting on a beige button down sweater. Deval is promising to be a different kind of leader, one who will take on Beacon Hill. However, Deval has to get off the train to the land of make believe and start explaining why he can’t answer a question about whether or not he will raise taxes, what he is planning to do about the illegal immigrants in our state, sex offenders, property taxes and the Big Dig and explain his ideas and his actions with something that equates to more than rhetoric and slogans. Unlike King Friday we aren’t just going to accept him having a hand in our future.


At 11:29 AM, Blogger Rachel Blake said...

Charley, I don't have to "get reading" but maybe you should "get an argument". Last time I checked "in" illegal immigrants, taxes, and sex offenders were important and SUBSTANSIVE issues. Are you the conducter on the choo choo to the land of make believe?


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