I Didn't Need to See That!
The true story of one woman, in Boston, realizing that she had to get over her fear of being politically incorrect and free herself from her own hatred (liberal guilt), by bitching about the current state of things and the state of Massachsetts, even if it means alienating her neighbors, who may just be illegal aliens, telling her husband who to vote for, and scaring her friends and family by engaging them in talks about Money, God, and Politics without using words like "frankly".
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Some musings from the past ten months or so....
1. Transparency.
Obama is the king of dialogue with our enemies. But when the dialogue turns against him and what he believes he sends in the SEIU. Will he be sending them to Iran when Ahmadinejad disagrees with him?
2. Town Halls.
Obama is supposedly a huge believer in them but, obviously, it is only okay to host one when he is either the one doing all of the talking, or when the only people in the audience support him.
3. Health Care.
My parents didn't struggle their whole lives to be put out to pasture by a bunch of entitled, Ivy League, affirmative-action, mao-loving jackasses.
4. Irony and Hypocrisy.
Ted Kennedy.
5. If It Walks Like a Duck...
Nidal Malik Hasan is a TERRORIST YOU FUCKS, yes you NBC, MSNBC, CBS and NEWSWEEK.
Eric Holder bringing the 9/11 Terrorists to a civil court, in New York City no less. There are so many problems with this I don't know where to begin. To think that these men are going to be given the same rights as American citizens is in and of itself utterly ridiculous. Not to mention totally disrespectful to every single person who perished that day. On top of that where is the President?? The only Friday where major news has happened and he was in our country was when he was selected as the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize! Who is running the United States? Obama doesn't have that much interest in a public option, but it is in the House Bill. Obama doesn't think it is necessary to put CIA agents on trial yet his AG goes ahead and does it anyway. We know Joe Biden couldn't manage his way out of a wet paper bag. So who is it?? This trial will result in a circus that will make the OJ trial look like reruns of Divorce Court, costing the tax payers millions of dollars while making a mockery of our country, and our military. The entire time the Obama White House will be patting themselves on the back for bringing these men to "justice".
7. Joni Mitchell
I pulled up behind a Cadillac
We were waiting for the light
And I took a look at his license plate
It said "Just Ice"
Is justice just ice?
Governed by greed and lust?
Just the strong doing what they can
And the weak suffering what they must?
And the gas leaks
And the oil spills
And sex sells everything
And sex kills
Sex kills
Geraldine Ferraro oops I mean Martha Coakley...
is really killing me, her commercial is highly annoying and totally irrelevant. If she had a clue, which she doesn't, she would see that the majority of Americans don't want the public option, well maybe the majority of Americans who don't live in this ass backwards state.