Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Together We Can Vote for Kerry Healey

In a little less than twenty-four hours we will have a new governor and although I believe in miracle finishes and Hail-Mary passes, I fear that Kerry Healey, much like the Tennessee Titans in Super Bowl XXXIV, will be heading toward the end zone and time will run out. I am still crossing my fingers, praying to God, and holding on to a pillow, my head in it, rocking back and forth like Demi Moore in St. Elmo’s Fire, but I have my doubts about Rob Lowe saving me, especially considering he is a Democrat.

My experience at the live debate left me with quite a bitter taste in my mouth and I needed time to regroup. Seriously, I was disgusted; disgusted with the Deval supporters, Christy Mihos, and the fact that the questions were truly one-sided and agenda driven. I was disgusted that Deval did not give us a one-on-one debate and that every time I turn on my television I am bombarded with a commercial that seems more like the Chariots of Fire video than a political ad. I am disgusted with groups that are supposed to be safe-havens for women yet they give their endorsement to a man who does not seem to really believe rape is a crime, or that crime is a crime, unless it has to do with how the criminals are being treated. I was not victimized by Healey’s infamous garage ad, but I was confused by the Deval ad with Martha Coakley, because, at first, I thought it was Geraldine Ferraro. I am also under the assumption that if The Massachusetts Teachers Association has enough money to make those cool ads with the cut-outs they shouldn’t need anymore of the tax-payers money. Obviously I should be in Iraq because I am uneducated and ignorant.

I think that just about sums up my animosity and the time I have missed on my sabbatical. However, the day of reckoning has come and the time is upon us to do the only thing we can do and that is vote. If you don’t, you won’t have any right to bitch about the shit storm that will undoubtedly hit us should Deval Patrick win.


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