Friday, October 20, 2006

Shadow Boxing

Through a stroke of good luck, I was fortunate enough to attend the debate last night in Faneuil Hall. If you are passionate about the issues of this campaign and are waiting for a debate that features more than Christy Mihos doing his stand-up routine and Grace Ross spouting what can only be defined as socialist agenda, don’t hold your breath. From the entrance of the candidates (Kerry Healey was booed and Deval was praised as if he were the second coming), to the lack of control displayed by David Gergen, to the inane and motivated, unfair and unbalanced questions, it was an exercise in futility and felt more like a high school pep rally than a debate between gubernatorial candidates vying for the corner office. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but I can be disappointed. And although I feel Kerry Healey did a good job defending herself and her issues, and at times felt that both Ross and Mihos helped her out, Deval Patrick and his supporters (who whooped and hoo-hawed like they were at a taping of the Jerry Springer show) once again got the last ‘scripted’ word, and refused to debate Kerry Healey one-on-one. In all honesty, in a one-on-debate he will lose (and that is what he is afraid of) and he will have to answer questions that have been left out of previous debates because there are too many candidates and not enough time to get to issues that matter to the voters. The fact that Deval won’t debate Kerry Healey has nothing to do with whether or not it is fair to Ross and Mihos, it has to do with the fact that he does not care what the people want, it is about what he wants. Anyone that thinks either Deval or Kerry Healey will not be governor is living in a dream world and the talk of it being fair is another liberal ploy at political correctness. I find Ross and Mihos interesting but they waste my time with answers that I don’t care about and deflect the pressure from Deval answering the questions we need to hear from him. The inclusion of parties in races other than Democrat and Republican are perfectly fine, but when their poll numbers show them with no chance of eclipsing the two parties, their platform should not be included when they do not represent a majority of the people who are going to vote.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Leaving Me Cold

In Eileen McNamara's column today she intends her title to be directed at Kerry Healey and how her campaign has left women out in the cold. Along with many of the columns she has written during the campaign I find her arguments lacking and instead of being informative or balanced they further her and the Globe’s agenda to promote Deval Patrick despite the fact that he has proven to be less than straightforward on a number of issues, both personal and political.

McNamara, thinking that her readers only subscribe to the Globe says Healey’s fear-mongering tactics have backfired on her. Wasn't there a poll last week that stated Healey had cut Deval's lead to 13 points in three weeks or did I just imagine that? She then goes on to write that Healey has thrown another gratuitous blast at illegal immigrants. Is it wrong Eileen to not want people who are not from this country and are here illegally to not receive the same benefits that I as a taxpayer do? Forgive me for not having the bleeding heart that you do. Also didn’t Deval just do the classic Kerry (John that is) and flip-flop on one of his more controversial platform’s involving illegal aliens? She then asks when Healey plans to devote comparable attention to the more significant issues in education, health care, and the economy. Excuse me, but when is Deval Patrick going to focus on these issues (or any issues in the campaign for that matter) that do not have to do with him backtracking on his record or completely avoiding it altogether?

She wraps all of this up nicely with talking about the little bruncheon that brought together women who in her terms have the finger on the pulse of the women voters who inhabit the commonwealth. Perhaps it would do Eileen better to point out that Shaheen is no stranger to negative campaigning. Shaheen, though has "toughness credentials" while Healey is just a big meany. Then she delves into the same arena Deval did with his rebuttal to the leak that his brother-in-law is an unregistered sex-offender; Kerry Healey is not running a genuine campaign nor is there anything genuine about her. Eileen fails to mention that Kerry Healey, through her campaign of fear has exposed the disingenuous nature of Deval Patrick's campaign of hope. Perhaps the insincerity that runs rampant in the Patrick campaign is too painful to really examine so it is just easier to attack Healey on her association with Romney, who is not insincere, he just opposes abortion and gay marriage, then look at Healy independently from her boss.

If Eileen McNamara wants to write a column about two hundred and thirty women getting together to talk politics it might be helpful to know what these women talked about and not how she feels about the woman who was not there.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


And make it look like we didn't.............

Friday, October 13, 2006

Together We Can...Smell the Hypocrisy

Kerry Healey may or may not have uncovered the story that Deval Patrick's brother-in-law is for all intense and purpose an unregistered sex offender; however who uncovered the story is not as important as what the story uncovers.

Deval wants us to look at Healey's campaign simply as a smear campaign, aimed to discredit him with negative ads. What Deval wants you to see is a hard-working, down on his luck, African-American, who despite the odds made it out of the projects all the way to Harvard. This is a Deval we can take at face value because his story is one that pulls at the heart strings and is inspiring; a story that at one time may have been considered the "American Dream". The real Deval is a man who is a walking contradiction of a persona he has spent a long time perfecting. In a month Kerry Healey's campaign has uncovered and exposed Deval Patrick and the less than flattering picture is one of a man who has gotten this far in the race on what seems like little more than good looks and charm, something Brian McGory, accused Kerry Healey of having little of.

Well today it seems like Deval has had "enough of that" and made a statement that will probably in one way or another haunt him for the rest of his political life because it accuses the media of doing what he himself ignored on more than one occasion and that is

To add insult to the intelligence of the rest of us he then goes on a tirade which could only be described as hysterical blindness...

“Kerry Healey has never offered a single reason why she should be governor that doesn't depend on tearing me down…”
Deval have you seen her website? Heard her views on taxes, illegal immigrants, sex offender laws...for god sakes she wants to put a cell phone lot at LOGAN, that alone should be enough to get her elected.

“She has no vision, no plan, no positive agenda, no leadership experience.”
Deval she has a vision and a plan and a positive agenda and I'm sorry but I would say that being the Lt. Governor for four years is more experience than you have as an elected official.

“Her record on jobs and the economy, on health care, on higher education, on crime has been one of shortcuts, gimmicks and failure. And so rather than deal with that, she has done everything she can to change the subject.”
Kerry has promoted tougher public safety laws. She has been a leader in efforts to increase penalties for sex offenders and drunk drivers. She is an advocate for victims, ever hear of Melanie's Law? She wants to discuss the subject you are the one who changes it.

“Well, my message to the Healey campaign is that I will not let you run from your record any longer. You can try all you want to change the subject and shift the blame, but we are going to expose for all just how your failed policies and your failed politics are the reason so many people are stuck and struggling and losing hope. The garbage peddlers who shopped this story around town are part of that failed politics, too.”
Aww the true Deval has finally spoken, but I thought the garbage peddlers were the Boston Globe and the local news…

“We are going to ask the people to choose whether the politics of fear, division and personal destruction is what they want or whether we’re better than that and are ready to finally throw out those who dump this trash in the public square.”
Deval we are no better than that, and it has you scared to death. You are dealing with a society and a culture that is spoon-fed Brangelina for dinner and Madonna’s adoption for dessert, the politics of fear sell, sell, sell and we are buying.

“We need a change. Gimmicks, slogans and dirty politics is no substitute for progress. The politics of fear is no acceptable alternative to the politics of hope. That’s the change we need.”
Gimmicks... “Together We Can” Slogans… “Together We Can”

“And if anybody in the Healey campaign or in the public thinks I am unwilling to fight for that, you have badly underestimated me.”
We have not underestimated you Deval; you have overestimated yourself and in the process underestimated the level of intelligence of the people you say you want to govern.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Check the Box Next to Ignorant....

I am an avid listener of WRKO and I feel I am up on politics and what is going on in the world, but I am also a woman who feels that there still exists a level of discrimination in our society and unfortunately talk radio supports the idea that women are uneducated about their society and that politics go over their heads. What started last night on Howie Carr and continued even into this morning on John Depetro is disheartening because it just may be true, but not in the sense that women know nothing of politics or care. I think most people don't know and don't care, especially people under the age of thirty. I would bet just as many 25 year old men are as clueless about politics as women the same age. I don't think the question should be "Why do women not understand politics or care," it should be "Why do people, in general pay little to no attention to or care about politics?"

Apathy plays a large part of this, I believe people think they can not change anything so they find it easier to tune out, as Deval Patrick would say "Ignorance is bliss.." Sorry he didn't say that, but he is banking on that being the case and unfortunately it looks like a lot of ignorant people will be voting, not just women.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Silence of the Lambs......

Janet Wu tonight closed her segment by saying "...will Deval turn from his message of hope to fight Healey’s message of fear". Give me a break!!! I guess the truth hurts doesn't it Janet? In the past week the only thing we have to fear is how far Deval Patrick will go to protect the rights of the CRIMINALS. Criminals that rape women and shoot police officers. Deval Patrick wants you to think he is one of 'you' fighting one of 'them'. What he means in layman’s terms because it is obvious the moonbats in this state need everything to be defined in easy to understand pithy sound bites is if 'you' are a criminal then Deval Patrick will protect 'you'. Is your food cold, are your undies dirty, your cell a little too hot for your liking, the sheets not up to their hospital corners?? Well then call up Deval Patrick and he will put pen to paper and fight for your civil rights. I am sorry that I am under the impression that if you get convicted of a violent crime and are in jail you do not have any rights, maybe I am just mislead.

According to our fearless HOPES-to be leader the 'politics' as usual in my state, ya know, the growing crime rate, the Big Dig, and the loss of jobs are warping my fragile little mind. Not so fast...Face it the reason this state has lost jobs is because of the politics as usual and these are the politics of a legislature, DEMOCRATIC in nature, that have alienated and ignored the people who live, excuse me, used to live in this state. The Big Dig was going on long before Kerry Healey was on the scene and the crime rate is as much a city problem as a state one, and Menino shares in a lot of that problem and has for longer than I care to remember. Deval Patrick supporters are upset about property tax; well once the criminals are free I am sure they won't have a problem with a tax on their property as much as who is trespassing onto it.

This whole campaign of hope has made me insane. The level of disservice the media does on a regular basis to misinform the general public of what is really going on is just unbelievable, like Deval they spin the information to fit their agenda and in the process create a vast community of under educated sheep. Baah sheeep baah because Deval is the wolf in sheep’s clothing leading you down the primrose path despite the fact that you can't smell the shit you just stepped in.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Is there a Late Payment Fee???

Is it just a little boo boo on the part of the Patrick's and SunTrust or is there something more devalish going on? The Boston Globe ,to its credit, talks of the story but fails to mention the fact that SunTrust has kept a copy of the original formula for Coca Cola in a vault for years and for those keeping score at home we are well aware that Deval and Coca Cola are like peanut butter and jelly. I don' t know who gets so lucky that a bank giving that person a mortgage does not have any legal claim on the property if the loanee does not pay!!!??!!! Awww... it must just be the garsh darn good luck of Mr. Deval Patrick, put-upon, hard-working, struggling his whole life to get out from under the man, only to become him. John Depetro went as far as suggesting that perhaps something like this shows that Deval has some sort of character flaw. I commend Mr. Depetro for saying something that will likely lead to calls of discrimination from the same moonbats who pester Scott Allen Miller. It is becoming obvious that Deval thinks of himself as above reproach, and all knowing, a character flaw perhaps or it could be the same disease his supporters are afflicted by: delusion.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Circa: Last Week

I watched United 93 for the first time seven hours ago and I am still waiting for the shock to subside. The past months have brought memories of September 11th back to the forefront of our collective conscience as we mark five years since that Tuesday morning. In five years a lot has changed and not for the better. The patriotism that was visibly on display and the feeling of a community bound by sorrow in the early days and weeks after has now been replaced with mistrust and an anti-Bush sentiment that is perpetuated by the media and reinforced by a Democratic party that can simply be summed up as mislead. We are a country divided by our basest instinct to be protected from harm and because security has become a platform instead of a responsibility our vulnerabilities have been exploited and our judgment, compromised. Now instead of real issues, we are being subjected to illicit emails sent by Mark Foley and forced to listen to the shrill that belongs to the one and only Nancy Pelosi. Who gives a shit? This is news? No!!!! This is a politically motivated attack by the liberal media propaganda machine to show Republicans as villains and democrats as ‘ethical’. What a sad state of affairs we find ourselves in. How easily the American public is lured into forgetting exactly where it is and where it is headed. How easily we are lulled into complacency by rhetoric and ideology, all we are missing is the definition of is and a blue dress.

Together We Can Prank Call Scotto

Patrick Johnston wants democrats to think that Kerry Healey is smearing Deval Patrick’s name because she is asking him to explain his association with Benjamin LaGuer and of course running those nasty negative ads that the dems have “had enough of”. Sorry that the people want an explanation as to why a man who wants to govern ALL OF US would have an association with someone who (might be) a brutal and dangerous rapist. Johnston has gone so far as to tell Deval’s supporters that they should listen to their favorite talk show and call in and defend his viewpoint on particular issues. This is a laugh riot on soooo many levels. First, if any democrat listened to talk radio they would realize what a danger Deval will be to Massachusetts and would quickly rethink their decision to vote for him. Secondly, when and where is there any kind of factual, point-based explanation for anything Deval Patrick stands for?

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

All of the President's "opinionated" Men

A fair and balanced review from the left