Saturday, October 07, 2006

Together We Can Prank Call Scotto

Patrick Johnston wants democrats to think that Kerry Healey is smearing Deval Patrick’s name because she is asking him to explain his association with Benjamin LaGuer and of course running those nasty negative ads that the dems have “had enough of”. Sorry that the people want an explanation as to why a man who wants to govern ALL OF US would have an association with someone who (might be) a brutal and dangerous rapist. Johnston has gone so far as to tell Deval’s supporters that they should listen to their favorite talk show and call in and defend his viewpoint on particular issues. This is a laugh riot on soooo many levels. First, if any democrat listened to talk radio they would realize what a danger Deval will be to Massachusetts and would quickly rethink their decision to vote for him. Secondly, when and where is there any kind of factual, point-based explanation for anything Deval Patrick stands for?


At 6:13 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I can see the campaign slogan now:
"Deval for Governor--Together, We Can Free the Rapists from the Joint!"


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