Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Silence of the Lambs......

Janet Wu tonight closed her segment by saying "...will Deval turn from his message of hope to fight Healey’s message of fear". Give me a break!!! I guess the truth hurts doesn't it Janet? In the past week the only thing we have to fear is how far Deval Patrick will go to protect the rights of the CRIMINALS. Criminals that rape women and shoot police officers. Deval Patrick wants you to think he is one of 'you' fighting one of 'them'. What he means in layman’s terms because it is obvious the moonbats in this state need everything to be defined in easy to understand pithy sound bites is if 'you' are a criminal then Deval Patrick will protect 'you'. Is your food cold, are your undies dirty, your cell a little too hot for your liking, the sheets not up to their hospital corners?? Well then call up Deval Patrick and he will put pen to paper and fight for your civil rights. I am sorry that I am under the impression that if you get convicted of a violent crime and are in jail you do not have any rights, maybe I am just mislead.

According to our fearless HOPES-to be leader the 'politics' as usual in my state, ya know, the growing crime rate, the Big Dig, and the loss of jobs are warping my fragile little mind. Not so fast...Face it the reason this state has lost jobs is because of the politics as usual and these are the politics of a legislature, DEMOCRATIC in nature, that have alienated and ignored the people who live, excuse me, used to live in this state. The Big Dig was going on long before Kerry Healey was on the scene and the crime rate is as much a city problem as a state one, and Menino shares in a lot of that problem and has for longer than I care to remember. Deval Patrick supporters are upset about property tax; well once the criminals are free I am sure they won't have a problem with a tax on their property as much as who is trespassing onto it.

This whole campaign of hope has made me insane. The level of disservice the media does on a regular basis to misinform the general public of what is really going on is just unbelievable, like Deval they spin the information to fit their agenda and in the process create a vast community of under educated sheep. Baah sheeep baah because Deval is the wolf in sheep’s clothing leading you down the primrose path despite the fact that you can't smell the shit you just stepped in.


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