Together We Can...Smell the Hypocrisy
Kerry Healey may or may not have uncovered the story that Deval Patrick's brother-in-law is for all intense and purpose an unregistered sex offender; however who uncovered the story is not as important as what the story uncovers.
Deval wants us to look at Healey's campaign simply as a smear campaign, aimed to discredit him with negative ads. What Deval wants you to see is a hard-working, down on his luck, African-American, who despite the odds made it out of the projects all the way to Harvard. This is a Deval we can take at face value because his story is one that pulls at the heart strings and is inspiring; a story that at one time may have been considered the "American Dream". The real Deval is a man who is a walking contradiction of a persona he has spent a long time perfecting. In a month Kerry Healey's campaign has uncovered and exposed Deval Patrick and the less than flattering picture is one of a man who has gotten this far in the race on what seems like little more than good looks and charm, something Brian McGory, accused Kerry Healey of having little of.
Well today it seems like Deval has had "enough of that" and made a statement that will probably in one way or another haunt him for the rest of his political life because it accuses the media of doing what he himself ignored on more than one occasion and that is
To add insult to the intelligence of the rest of us he then goes on a tirade which could only be described as hysterical blindness...
“Kerry Healey has never offered a single reason why she should be governor that doesn't depend on tearing me down…”
Deval have you seen her website? Heard her views on taxes, illegal immigrants, sex offender laws...for god sakes she wants to put a cell phone lot at LOGAN, that alone should be enough to get her elected.
“She has no vision, no plan, no positive agenda, no leadership experience.”
Deval she has a vision and a plan and a positive agenda and I'm sorry but I would say that being the Lt. Governor for four years is more experience than you have as an elected official.
“Her record on jobs and the economy, on health care, on higher education, on crime has been one of shortcuts, gimmicks and failure. And so rather than deal with that, she has done everything she can to change the subject.”
Kerry has promoted tougher public safety laws. She has been a leader in efforts to increase penalties for sex offenders and drunk drivers. She is an advocate for victims, ever hear of Melanie's Law? She wants to discuss the subject you are the one who changes it.
“Well, my message to the Healey campaign is that I will not let you run from your record any longer. You can try all you want to change the subject and shift the blame, but we are going to expose for all just how your failed policies and your failed politics are the reason so many people are stuck and struggling and losing hope. The garbage peddlers who shopped this story around town are part of that failed politics, too.”
Aww the true Deval has finally spoken, but I thought the garbage peddlers were the Boston Globe and the local news…
“We are going to ask the people to choose whether the politics of fear, division and personal destruction is what they want or whether we’re better than that and are ready to finally throw out those who dump this trash in the public square.”
Deval we are no better than that, and it has you scared to death. You are dealing with a society and a culture that is spoon-fed Brangelina for dinner and Madonna’s adoption for dessert, the politics of fear sell, sell, sell and we are buying.
“We need a change. Gimmicks, slogans and dirty politics is no substitute for progress. The politics of fear is no acceptable alternative to the politics of hope. That’s the change we need.”
Gimmicks... “Together We Can” Slogans… “Together We Can”
“And if anybody in the Healey campaign or in the public thinks I am unwilling to fight for that, you have badly underestimated me.”
We have not underestimated you Deval; you have overestimated yourself and in the process underestimated the level of intelligence of the people you say you want to govern.
To add insult to the intelligence of the rest of us he then goes on a tirade which could only be described as hysterical blindness...
“Kerry Healey has never offered a single reason why she should be governor that doesn't depend on tearing me down…”
Deval have you seen her website? Heard her views on taxes, illegal immigrants, sex offender laws...for god sakes she wants to put a cell phone lot at LOGAN, that alone should be enough to get her elected.
“She has no vision, no plan, no positive agenda, no leadership experience.”
Deval she has a vision and a plan and a positive agenda and I'm sorry but I would say that being the Lt. Governor for four years is more experience than you have as an elected official.
“Her record on jobs and the economy, on health care, on higher education, on crime has been one of shortcuts, gimmicks and failure. And so rather than deal with that, she has done everything she can to change the subject.”
Kerry has promoted tougher public safety laws. She has been a leader in efforts to increase penalties for sex offenders and drunk drivers. She is an advocate for victims, ever hear of Melanie's Law? She wants to discuss the subject you are the one who changes it.
“Well, my message to the Healey campaign is that I will not let you run from your record any longer. You can try all you want to change the subject and shift the blame, but we are going to expose for all just how your failed policies and your failed politics are the reason so many people are stuck and struggling and losing hope. The garbage peddlers who shopped this story around town are part of that failed politics, too.”
Aww the true Deval has finally spoken, but I thought the garbage peddlers were the Boston Globe and the local news…
“We are going to ask the people to choose whether the politics of fear, division and personal destruction is what they want or whether we’re better than that and are ready to finally throw out those who dump this trash in the public square.”
Deval we are no better than that, and it has you scared to death. You are dealing with a society and a culture that is spoon-fed Brangelina for dinner and Madonna’s adoption for dessert, the politics of fear sell, sell, sell and we are buying.
“We need a change. Gimmicks, slogans and dirty politics is no substitute for progress. The politics of fear is no acceptable alternative to the politics of hope. That’s the change we need.”
Gimmicks... “Together We Can” Slogans… “Together We Can”
“And if anybody in the Healey campaign or in the public thinks I am unwilling to fight for that, you have badly underestimated me.”
We have not underestimated you Deval; you have overestimated yourself and in the process underestimated the level of intelligence of the people you say you want to govern.
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